The dice are packed up. Another Geekfest over.
This years theme song.
The module used for Geekfest. Well worn and easily modified for use with Basic Fantasy Rules. |
The "round" d20. I think this die has been around since the first time our DM played his first game! |
Star Wars, BattleTech (Shadow Run) and a Pathfinder Module. |
This is how I bought the mini, I added the base. (The DM is the guy with the axe) |
We are the poor chumps over the stump... |
I love these old Ral Partha mini's. |
The severed head, 2 views. I really wanted this shot to work out. |
Front view |
Front view with cool backdrop. |
Side view. |
Serious shot. |
Action shot, I was trying to make it like he was moving. |
Front View |
Back View Side View. The other side. Angle view. The Dwarfs take to the field. The rules for the war rams. |
The package says Ral Partha, the base of the model says "Ral Partha 1992" The back of the package says Iron Wind Metals 2001. Iron Wind Metals Out of the package Facing East. Facing West. Back East again. These guys will form the centre piece of my Dwarf Throng. They will also be the main jousters for the jousting field. |
Stage 1: fence, grass, worn area where jousters shall joust. |
The little tents are made using templates from Wargames illustrated. |
A shot of one of the tents with a Dwarf for scale. |
A view down the field. |