Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Rank and File

The first of the rank and file models, a High Elf Fighter and a Ranger.
from the Grenadier adventure set.

The Elf fighter I painted a long time ago, the Ranger has never seen paint.
Both will be primed and get a new coat of paint in the coming days. The
Elf also needed some "green stuff" to fix a break in his sword.

The Red Dragon

O.K. geeks the date has been decided. Looking forward to some old time classic D&D. Here is the first miniature I'm going to paint for the "Fest"

Grenadier Red Dragon

          This guy has spent the last 25+ years in the box. He's put together awaiting some paint. 
                                    Here's hoping he can be written into a cool module!

The Box Lid


One more view before the primer is applied!
Primed and ready for paint or maybe I will just make him into a Black Dragon...